Week 06

AlbionDesign GmbH                                                      week 06/2022

Economically Ecological                               


€/$ 1.14 ↗                         $/₽ 74.76 ↘

EUA Dec 22 €96.17 ↗     API 2 Front month $157.00  ↗


All signs are pointing to a continuation of high prices and continued demand. With France taking a lot of nuclear energy off the table, stocks of gas are very low, and continued geopolitical issues surrounding energy security, the market remains volatile. In other news, inland waterways are currently very low making transport more costly.


·         Futures markets are pointing at expensive energy for the foreseeable future.

·          Feedstock isn’t getting easier to find in the Baltics. Furniture demand is adding to the lack of availability



·         Elevated summer power markets, gas, and CO2 keeps strong summer burn options open to utilities.  

·         N.B. energy is a global market. In non-EU countries, fossil replacement is also taking place.


·         Baltic Coaster - ARA ↗ flat to slightly higher on week  05. €33/34 on 3kt

·         Black Sea Coaster ↘ week 05. N. Black Sea to Marmara is near $33 on 3kt          $2 down on previous

·         Azov-Marmara Coaster ↘  on week 5 +- $34/35 Azov Marmara/E. Med               $4 down on previous

·         Handys/Supras  <->  Very slight gains on the smaller deep sea vessels this week.




·         Sunflower Husk Pellet Baltic:  ↗ Spot 60 days FOB €126+-

·         Sunflower Husk Pellet Black Sea: ↗ FOB €126

·         Olive Wastes S. Spain FOB: ↗ €N.A. FOB Sfax €105/tonne              I cannot find reliable prices attached to real volume

·         Wood pellet CIF ARA:  ↗  higher on week 05  Q1 $250       Q2 $230


 Into ARA on the sunhusk deduct $1+- for every additional 1kt as there is a freight saving.  

Links and interesting reading:

·         https://circabc.europa.eu/sd/a/2c8378ab-c686-449d-9dd1-65371ab30889/Oilseeds-dashboard_en.pdf

·         https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/ice-conditions                                 *Finnish Weather Service for Ice Reports

·         https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/baltic-index-extends-fall-on-waning-demand-for-vessels/

·         https://www.tradewindsnews.com/bulkers/eastern-pacific-bans-coal-from-its-commercially-managed-bulkers/2-1-1151167

·         https://www.cemfuels.com/

·         https://ukragroconsult.com/en/conference/black-sea-grain-2022/





Numbers subject to change. These figures are indications and in no way a confirmation on tradable prices. For reference only.



Week 07


Week 05