Week 16

AlbionDesign GmbH                                                      week 16/2022

Economically Ecological                               


€/$ 1.082 ↘                      $/₽ 80.83 ↘    black market rate between 100-115 Rubles to the Dollar

EUA Dec 22 €80.06 ↗     API 2 Front month $321.00  ↗


With Western Easter completed and an Eastern Easter coming up, coupled with Ramadan, a number of people are still out enjoying holidays, so it’s a slightly muted period. Unless something spectacular happens very soon, this war in Ukraine will not end soon. Putin’s new May 9th objective is Eastern Ukraine.



·         Sunflower volumes from Russia are still finding their way into the EU, albeit slowly.

·         Black Sea freight is extreme due to insurance costs. FOB prices should reflect this reality.

·         Even with higher costs, low availability & zero forecasting ability, demand for carbon neutral fuels continues.

·         Dry weather is not helping hydro production. Overall a dry S. Europe and not a windy N. Europe.

·         Talk of a recession in the UK. How and what this will affect is anyone’s guess.


·         Lignite burners have every reason to burn biomass. Petcoke is a more difficult substitution given its low cost.

·         Incremental new growth continues unabated in markets that traditionally didn’t use biomass.



·         Baltic Coaster - ARA <-> flat week 15. €39/40 on 3kt                        

·         Black Sea Coaster <-> flat week  15. $41/42                           very much depends on the port of origin and destination   

·         Azov-Marmara Coaster  <-> flat week  on 15 +- $60+         caution: hearing insurance premia pushing way higher.  

·         Handys/Supras  ↘ on week 15.                                                  Atlantic handys are not finding a lot of love



·         Sunflower Husk European Production: ↗ FCA €225+

·         Olive Wastes S. Spain FOB: ↗ €N.A. FOB Sfax €134/tonne             

·         Wood pellet CIF ARA:  ↗  higher on week 15      Industrial quality and volume  $308                                           

·         Wood pellet A1 FOB Baltic non Russian/Belarus feedstock ↗ €265+

·         PKS FOB Indo/Malay  ↗ $135


Into ARA on the densified biomass deduct $1+- for every additional 1kt as there is a freight saving.


Links and interesting reading:

·         https://circabc.europa.eu/sd/a/2c8378ab-c686-449d-9dd1-65371ab30889/Oilseeds-dashboard_en.pdf

·         http://www.biomassmagazine.com/articles/18899/eia-densified-biomass-fuel-sales-reach-920-000-tons-in-december

·         https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russian-Crude-Shipments-Have-Fallen-25-In-A-Week.html

·         https://www.ft.com/content/5c0f16b0-5f27-4d09-854e-f860b2f095ae

·         https://www.montelnews.com/




Numbers subject to change. These figures are indications and in no way a confirmation on tradable prices. For reference only.


Week 17


Week 15