Week 09

AlbionDesign GmbH                                                      week 09/2022

Economically Ecological                               


€/$ 1.109 ↘                      $/₽ 111.8 ↗

EUA Dec 22 €67.60 ↘     API 2 Front month $270.00  ↗


In less than 1 week the world has changed. Russia, once seen as an enigma is now simply a pariah. Italy restarting coal stations, Orsted’s public statement on Russia volumes, funds dumping CO2 to shift into defence stocks, and a humanitarian disaster unfolding on our doorstep. The case for diversification and buffer stocks has never been greater. Support your friends, colleagues, suppliers, and logistics providers in Ukraine.



·         Except for extreme circumstances Russian ports are closed. Azov is closed. Ukrainian ports are under attack

·          Argus Biomass London 2022 has a huge Russian focus. Everyone had high hopes for Russia. Everyone!

·          Reports of Russian producers unable to book rail capacity. Payment issues, war requisitioning? Not clear



·         Just secure fuel! Coal, petcoke, whatever it may be. Nothing is leaving Russia any time soon.

·         The case for storage is looking strong.


·         Baltic Coaster - ARA ↗ flat to slightly higher on week  08. €40 on 3kt                       

·         Black Sea Coaster week 08. N. Black Sea to Marmara         Shipowners looking for employment. East closed

·         Azov-Marmara Coaster ↘  on week 07 +- $33 Azov Marmara/E. Med                      $1 down on previous

·         Handys/Supras  ↗  this vessel size is getting a lot of attention.                                  Slow moves higher                




·         Sunflower Husk Pellet Baltic Sea: ↗ FOB €128     This is Russian volume. Unsure if it has become toxic

·         Sunflower Husk Pellet Black Sea:  CIF $161                                                                                 SPOT

·         Olive Wastes S. Spain FOB: ↗ €N.A. FOB Sfax €109/tonne              I cannot find reliable prices attached to real volume

·         Wood pellet CIF ARA:  ↗  higher on week 08                                        massive spreads. Could be close to $300 on real volume


Into ARA on the sunhusk deduct $1+- for every additional 1kt as there is a freight saving.

Black Sea – Greece/Italy expect larger savings for every additional 1kt


Links and interesting reading:

·         https://circabc.europa.eu/sd/a/2c8378ab-c686-449d-9dd1-65371ab30889/Oilseeds-dashboard_en.pdf

·         https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/ice-conditions                          *Finnish Weather Service for Ice Reports

·         https://www.ft.com/content/0f0030d6-b8bd-4122-921d-1369be6a5027

·         https://www.montelnews.com/

·         https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/shipping-giant-maersk-steers-clear-of-russia-as-western-net-tightens/

·         https://orsted.dk/presse/nyheder/2022/02/13644341





Numbers subject to change. These figures are indications and in no way a confirmation on tradable prices. For reference only.


Week 10


Week 08